A solution to every problem

Our totally integrated system allows you to choose from any of the disciplines we offer.

A solution to every problem

Our totally integrated system allows you to choose from any of the disciplines we offer.

by jferguson
The aim of our furniture consultancy service is to understand your business culture and long-term objectives; by achieving this we will propose products and services to address your specific needs.

We will work closely with your incumbent facilities/office services team to help ensure the following points are addressed:

  • Consulting, advising, and designing programs to fill the gaps between the existing situation and the desired one
  • Coaching, guiding, training in short and long-tern needs analysis and implementation
  • Developing management and supervisory skills and know-how to plan your future facility / office furniture requirements
  • Assessing the actual situation
  • Identifying training and operational needs
  • Improving work performance
  • Raising the levels of organizational performance and achievements

Purchasing new furniture involves capital and many organizations generally believe that you have to invest large dollars when purchasing ergonomic office furniture. This belief is not necessarily true.

FIS will try to ensure that your investment will pay back over the life cycle of the product; this also includes health dividends in the future, just remember the amount of time we spend at our desk at work.

Ergonomics is not a product but a process: a process of matching furniture including tools, such as workstations, equipment, and environment to the business and their work tasks to reduce the hazards for injury and discomfort without undermining productivity.
